Horror-comedy film”Echorsis” stars comedian John Lapus, Callalily vocalist Kean Cipriano, and award-winning independent film actor Alex Medina. Its official trailer was released online last week which excites moviegoers.

Echorsis movie
The trailer, which has so far gone viral and received close to one million views, likewise attracted the straight crowd with some men even asking their girlfriends to watch the movie on their date

Acceding to the persistent requests of netizens that the movie be shown in cinemas as soon as possible, the film produced by Chris Cahilig under Insight 360, is set to open on April 13 in theatres nationwide—a week ahead of its original schedule.

“There is a clamour for the movie to be shown earlier than its original April 20 play-date. We didn’t expect the public to be so excited to see it soon on the big screen,” said Cahilig.

Kristoff (Lapus) falls in love with the gigolo Carlo (Medina)
Kristoff (Lapus) falls in love with the gigolo Carlo (Medina)

Echorsis” a parody of the iconic horror film “The Exorcist,” revolves around a gigolo Carlo, played by Medina, who is possessed by a gay demon after he deceived his closeted gay lover Kristoff (Lapus). The task of exorcising the devil out of Medina’s character then falls on the lap of Father Nick, who is portrayed by Cipriano.

Cast members of ‘Echorsis’ include Alessandra de Rossi, Chokoleit, Kiray Celis, Mich Liggayu, Ruby Ruiz, Negi Negra, Bekimon, Nico Antonio, Francine Garcia, Odette Khan, and 1:43’s Yuki Sakamoto, Anjo Resurreccion, Gold Aquino, and Yheen Valero

“Echorsis” was directed by critically-acclaimed filmmaker Lemuel Lorca and was written by Jerry Gracio. Echorsis” The film is supported by BellaVita Land Corp. and McJim Classic Leather.

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