The Philippine Dragon Boat team also known as Dragon Warriors earned 5 gold medals and two silver medals on the 10th International Dragon Boat Federation World Championships in Tampa Bay, Florida.

The Pinoy paddlers bagged its 5th gold medal on the final day of competition in the 500-meter men’s division small boat event.

Dragon Warrior’s won their 4th gold medal in the 500-meters mixed event in the small boat division beating Hungary and Trinidad and Tobago while their 3rd medal came from Premier 1000m  category setting a new world record of 4:57.13.

The two gold medals came from the 200m Premier Mixed and one from the 1000m Men’s category and the other 2 silver medals won from Premier 200-meter men’s division  and  200m small boat event.

The Philippine Dragon Boat team was really sad before going to the competition because they don’t get any support from the Philippine Sports Commission and the Philippine Olympic Committee. With the help of private sponsors, they made it to the competition and bagged 5 gold and 2 silver medals.

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