“Loose Skin”, “Acne Scars”, “Pigmentation”. Today, a laser beam can safely take away unwanted scars, hair, birthmarks and age spots making it easy to reveal your skin’s natural beauty.
SKINLUX Aesthetic Center is offering the new laser (RevLite) to treat unwanted skin conditions and at this useful site, you can learn how the RevLite Laser System acts by emitting a powerful beam of specialized light that targets the pigments in the scars, birthmark or age spot and acts to clear them away without harming the surrounding skin. It also tightens the skin. You can learn more about FDA approved skin tightening here. The RevLite when combined with the latest all natural products from Nelly Devuyst of Belgium can produce excellent results.
SKINLUX Aesthetic Center allows you to experience the luxurious RevLite treatment with 50% discount on the first trial on any services. This offer is valid until 31st of December. Call them for an appointment at 6503109/09258800601 or visit their website www.skinluxph.com.